Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ellie's 6 Month Pictures & Photoshoot!

We are almost at the 7 month mark, so these pictures are a little "old!" Nonetheless, I just HAVE to post them - our cutie just warms our hearts, and David took such amazing pictures of her! Trust me when I say that this mommy worked hard to narrow down to "just" these pictures...I love ALL the ones we took for her recent 6 month marker. We had a lot more pics to choose from than most people because Daddy is the photographer!

Also, our "little" girl continues to grow BIG - 28 inches long and 18 lbs at her 6 month appt...her height puts her in the 55% percentile for a NINE MONTH OLD, meaning, she isn't registered on the charts for a 6 month old! Crazy, huh? She is comfortably fitting into 12 month clothes at six months. Also, the top 3 teeth have finally broken through and we're just waiting on the 4th to show itself.

Cool pic, huh? This is so typical of Ellie - always grabbing for things these days!

She had on a Daddy's Little Monkey shirt, so we thought it made sense to bring along Mojo the Monkey. Aren't they cute pals?

Mojo says, "I got your back, kid!"

LOVE this green chair with E's pretty eyes...and yup, she was standing up for this picture (OK, Mommy was holding her little behind steady for a few seconds)

"Mommy! Mommy! Do you SEE my favorite giraffe?! He's right behind me! I can't hardly stand it! I'm so excited!"

"Yup, we're both cute. Yup, I can make the same face and sit up tall just like Mr. Giraffe. Why do you look so shocked? I'm a big girl, and I know it."

Mommy thinks Ellie looks angelic in this pretty picture!

Cool eyes, huh?

Here's our little champ, ready and excited to walk (with a little help of course)...

So, the amazing thing is that we managed to get this smile out of our little one while it was 106 degrees with the heat index outside and wearing a hat!

I love the left hand just sitting there on her hip....

How funny that this was only 2 1/2 weeks ago...already Ellie is mostly-crawling everywhere and now has figured out how to sit herself up, crawl again, and then sit back up. Sometimes, that's how she pivots herself to head a different direction. :) See the next picture....

You may have to zoom in on this one...this is the "growth chart" that David does for babies. Pictures are shot from the same distance at each milestone to show the growth. Our little one was already super long at 3 months, so it's difficult to tell, but she definitely couldn't sit up at that point, so we know she's growin'!

GO BULLS!! How do Chicago people like this one!?


  1. Beautiful picutres of Ellie! I really love them all but especially the growth chart one. Such a clever idea! Great talking with you today Becky! Sorry to hear things are hectic right now but our prayers are with you. Look forward to hearing and/or seeing you soon!

  2. Still love the ones with the pink hat! Have you entered any contests yet?
