Sunday, June 13, 2010

Many Pics and Updates!

Sorry for the massive blog full of updates - life's been hectic, and I still tried to pare it down as much as I could (being a mommy and's tough!). I'll need to get a couple of videos promises on when that'll be, but I'll try to do it soon! Also, this coming week, Ellie will be SIX MONTHS!! So, we'll be taking more pics at the studio and I'll post as I can! I'm so excited to see how they turn out.

These last few weeks have been fun, for the most part (minus Round 2 of the teething episodes). All of the sudden, Ellie started LOVING her Exersaucer and jumps up and down in it...and now, she's sitting up all by herself and even catching herself when she leans to the side or back most of the time...and just these last few days, we've seen the legs come up and her little bum scooting forward, with a few tiny crawls in there! Funny how we are so anxious for her to starting crawling, and yet, we'll have our hands full even more than we already do trying to keep her out of everything. Oh! And just today, she finally "got" how to jump in the jumper-thing that hangs from a doorway...hilarious!

And, as for the teeth? Yup, the top 4 are trying to come in! We can see the teeth on either side of the front (top) two, but have been able to feel the front two for months...nice 'n sharp. :)
Well, there are still bunches of pictures on David's work camera, too, that I still haven't even seen! Maybe I'll get those up soon, too!

Stay tuned...videos, more pics, and 6 month updates coming in the near future!

Mommy decided to pack all that she needed for her trip to Chicago - Baby Ellie! :)

Ellie at 21 weeks (and after her first airplane ride!)

The last time Kelly and I saw each other, I was at the exact same point in my pregnancy...and we didn't know SHE was pregnant (I know, hard to tell that she is pregnant here, if it weren't for my hand on her small tummy). It was crazy to both of us that 6 months after seeing each other, I had a 5 month old and am a mommy, and Kelly was right behind! (Only 6 days after this pictures, Kelly had Baby Logan about 6 weeks early. He was a tough little guy from the start and Mommy and Daddy are now enjoying him at home with them!)

I love this little smug look...she was all proud of herself because the stuffed frog had "attacked" her (meaning, she was laying on her back, pull him up over her face, and couldn't immediately figure out how to get the frog off)...and she figured out that she could roll over and defeat the frog! Hooray!

This is the "Mommy, I KNOW I look cute in my little flower skirt and my monkey t-shirt," picture. I think there was also a bit of " finally figured out to give me the nice, cold teething ring for my poor sore gums! NOW I have something to smile about!"

Asleep on Daddy's shoulder while he tries to get some work done....

Ah...the delight and proudness of Ellie's first time "swimming." We had a blast with our friends Scott and Kristi and their daughter Rainey (about 2 1/2 wks older than Ellie) as the girls tried out a kiddie pool in the backyard for the first time. They both loved the water!

"Look, Mommy!! I'm walking! Aren't my pants cute?" :)

Round 2 of "swimming." This time, we got an inflatable frog (she loves frogs and giraffes) and she and Daddy played for a good little while in a pool together! She squealed and squealed....

The best of both worlds: being held by Mommy and still watching what everyone is doing....

Smitten by Grandpa Cerven and all his wacky noises.

Always excited to see the fun musical giraffe from Aunt Karen.... And, then....

Sometimes, you just can't help but to POUNCE it and chew the heck out of its face! :)

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