Friday, October 15, 2010

Bunches of Pictures!

I know, I know - it's been forever! Sooo, there are many, many pictures here, about 1 per week for the last 12 weeks on average, with a few weeks doubled up. Ellie has been walking now since the week she turned 9 months, has had a full mouth of 8 teeth since her 8th month (and more on their way right now, I believe!), and is constantly chattering or screaming these days. Tomorrow she will turn 10 months! How crazy for me to believe!

I must say that the recent weeks and even past 2 or so months have been such a blessing with her. She is SOO interactive, fun, silly...I absolutely love just watching her play sometimes now. Right around her 9 mo appt, she started carefully and intentionally putting small objects into slightly larger cups, watching them for a minute, and carefully pulling them out...or sometimes dumping the object, only to start all over again. It's fasinating to watch HER fasination!

She also waves "hi" and "bye" on command now, eats all the "big girl" food she can get her hands on, and full-body tackles Symba (the moody cat) with 2 fists full of skin and fur that she pulls...and he lets her do it! One of these days I might manage to get it on video!

We were a bit late getting the 9 month pictures done, so I don't have those yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a few good shots because we waited too late in the day to do them. But, I'm sure this mommy will think they are all beautiful and wonderful of her! In the meantime, enjoy these for now!

Giggling at the silly cat who was swatting at her from above.

My intense little girl - somehow she manages to give hugs, squirm around and squeeze you all at once.

Had a garage sale a few weekends ago...needed to have her out there with me before a friend came to pick her up, and we just felt the need to be very specific about what is and what is not for sale. Precious cargo! No way!

Ellie continues to love Wheel of Fortune - plus Mommy rationalizes just this one TV show for her to watch...surely she's learning her A, B, C's, right?

The entire face-full of a smile makes me melt all the time....

Blue, BLUE eyes, eh? :)

Yup, I left her alone for just a few minutes, thinking, "She'll never be able to get the lid off that container." Not only was I clearly wrong, AND her mouth and fists are FULL of the Puffs, but the expression is priceless!

Everything in the mouth...even a dirty potato. What you can't see here is that she DID bite off a sizable chunk and was a little disappointed and what she was chewing for a while.

Check out this mischievous look! She was SO proud of herself for crawling under it!

One of Mommy's favorites of the two of us.

Our little park excursion on her 8 month 'bday.' The look pictured here is exactly what happened next: "Hmmm...which one do I bite first?" The one in the left hand won out.

More fun at the park. Ellie loves going as high as possible, that is, when she's not posing for pictures.

What can a mommy say? LOVE this picture!

I think this was around 6-7 months - she was so proud of carrying things in her mouth while she crawled. Such a multitasker, and always prepared with the bottle with her for whenever she needs it!

One of her first tries with a Puffs several months ago. The big blues and silly face make this mommy melt!

Guess who wants to send this in to see if we can get a commercial deal (and some college money for a little model)...or at least a lifetime supply of toilet paper? That would be Mommy....

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! LOVE HER! AND LOVE YOU! What a great set of pictures!
