Wednesday, July 22, 2009


My recovery has been going well, I think. I was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday in the late afternoon. The ride home was awful - they had given me a big dose of Percocet and an iron supplement - for the about-3-mile-drive, David had to stop twice because my whole world was spinning and swirling. We finally arrived home, to a house that had been cleaned by friends from church! What a wonderful blessing when I was going to have guests in town and our house just wasn't ready for that! I tried to get some sleep and rest while my sweet husband went to pick up medications and take care of me, while also trying to catch up on being gone from his work for 2 full days (and worried about his wife the whole time!). I tried to take it easy on Wednesday, but also catch up on emails and keep some food in my system.

On Thursday, it was another slow day with just a few "emergency" emails to address - the rest could wait! My dad decided to come down from Chicago to check on me :) and to help out if we needed anything. He arrived in the evening with tons of food his wife, Diane, had made for all of us, which was a great help...and proved to be many meals for all of us over the next few days. The next day, one of my favorite roommates from college, Laurie, arrived for her weekend visit with us and another favorite roommate, Kim, who lives nearby. We actually managed to get out of the house (!) and spend some time with Kim and her family for the afternoon! Not bad on the 3rd day after surgery!

My goal was to move around as much as I could and get through the rough spots. Anyone who has had surgery knows that part of the battle is crazy muscle soreness, so I figured, "The sooner I move and the more I move, the faster I'll feel better!"

Below is a self-portrait of bandages after surgery. Things are a little out of scale and if you don't want to see, now is the time to stop scrolling. :) But, alas, these were the incisions I got to deal with just as my tummy is starting to grow....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Surprise Surgery

Little did we know what was coming, a mere 36 hours after the last post! We spent Sunday visiting with David's extended family (fun to see you all, McGhees!) and stayed as long as I could. I had begun feeling "weird," as I put it, and it was a long 2 hours home. I spent the evening sitting and laying uncomfortably trying to focus on a movie until I eventually just headed to bed. I figured it was just another rough day of pregnancy...until 4am....

I awoke suddenly with SEVERE pain. The pain I spoke of over Memorial Day weekend's trip to the hospital had steadily increased throughout the whole evening though I tried everything I could to decrease the pain; this time around, the pain was already at that elevated level and I was sure something had gone wrong...yet again with the cyst. We headed to the hospital after having the doctor paged (who told us it was likely gas!), and because I was 2 days over 16 weeks, they took us straight to the maternity section of the hospital. This time around, we did more painful ultrasounds, CT scan, and blood tests to determine what the issue was...and tried heat, ice, anti-gas pills and eventually 2 rounds of morphine to dull the pain - NONE of those pain remedies worked. For 6+ hours, I squirmed and grimaced as they tried to find the cause and eventually, THANKFULLY, I got the first shot of Demorol...ahhh...THAT was what I needed to get through it! It didn't take all the pain away by any means, but it lowered it to a 3 or 4 and I could finally catch my breath. My doctor came by the hospital some time that Mon morning and said that they would keep me on a 23-hour watch...I didn't care as long as I had some pain medication! Soon after, I was told they had decided to then do "exploratory surgery" at 7am the next morning instead and see what was going on - all the tests were coming back with blood flood to the ovary (which should NOT be the case if it is twisted) and no real apparent problems. I also wasn't showing signs of Appendicitis, but a General Surgeon came to ask if I wanted my appendix out while they were in there - heck yea! Take any unnecessary organ out at this point!

Surgery was interesting for me this time - for my neck, they 'knocked me out' in some holding room through an IV; this time I went all the way into the operating room, they had me get up on this stainless steel table, they strapped me down in a "t" position and then came the gas mask...I HAD to be out in like 2 seconds. :] I awoke in the recovery room and immediately asked what happened/what all they found. It was there that I learned they had to take my ovary AND my fallopian tube (plus the appendix) out...I was shocked and didn't understand, especially when none of the tests were showing such a need! It was once I sleepily got back to my room that David showed me pictures and compassionately explained what they had discovered. Because of the the twisting (the cyst had caused the ovary to twist several times, with even fresh hemmoraghing in the last 24 hours), blood indeed had been cut off from the ovary and fallopian tube. I don't have any idea how it all works, but I can't help but think what this problem cyst would have effected further either in my body or with the baby had it continued (and how would I have dealt with that level of pain!?). Pictures are below...the top left pic with the white marshmellow-looking thing is the good ovary (bottom left square on the same pic is my appendix); the bottom pic: the top two pics/squares are the bad ovary and fallopian question why they had to come out! Oh, and the pinkish blob on the left is the sac the baby is in!! :] Baby fared the surgery well as far as all tests have determined! No contractions for me the whole night, good, strong heartbeat, and baby eventually returned back to its correct spot in my tummy once the swelling went down. Whew!

Ironic to me now, I went back today and read through the "mix of emotions blog" to see that I wrote: "We learned that if it had grown in size instead, there is a risk of it twisting and eventually cutting off blood circulation and there are consequences to that situation that I'm still not sure I understand!" How interesting that we now know EXACTLY what happens when twisting ("torsion") DOES happen and blood supply IS cut off....