Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Yes, it's been a while. When you get out of the groove of doing something such as blogging, it's hard to start up again. Rather than trying to go through all the details of what I've missed typing and updating, I thought I'd just give a quick overview-update and add in some "progression" pics. :) These are 3 pictures of my ever-growing profile at 16 weeks, 24 and now at 30! Crazy to think that we're only about 10 weeks away!!

Quick updates: the third trimester has met me with some new and some "old" symptoms that are really slowing me down. I don't want to sound all complain-y, but I also don't feel like the pregnancy books quite do these "9" months justice; sometimes I feel things are just glossed over, and other times, I've resolved that I just don't particularly ENJOY pregnancy. Bouts of nausea (though not as bad), near-fainting spells, and headaches are back like the first I have "severe reflux" (which I won't even begin to get into what happens in the middle of the night to wake me up) and sleeplessness. I'm definitely having moments of round ligament pain (frontal, abdominal stretching that is sharp and almost knocks the wind outta ya), plus sacroiliac pain (backside pain, almost like a charlie horse in your butt), and pelvic bone pain (which we just learned this week could be from a loose connection in my pelvic bones). I had SOO planned on getting at least moderate exercise throughout this pregnancy, but just getting in and out of a car to run errands, standing on my feet too long, or doing some minor household chores, causes me residual, I-can-barely-walk pain for about 2 days afterwards. I am constantly telling myself that it's OK, and "we" just need to get through this pregnancy, reducing as much pain as possible.

For those who are curious, my scars from surgery are at a complete standstill, and I'm kinda convinced they won't ever look much better than what they are now. Afterall, Baby is taking all the nutrients first. I've had very little of an appetite and haven't gained too much weight yet, so it's been hard to think that I've been getting all the nutrients that I need after Baby takes them.

Now, for the way more FUN news. We have found out that we are expecting a *GIRL* and are thrilled that she keeps showing very healthy signs. She is a very active baby inside of me, but is a bit ultrasound-shy as she turns inward whenever we try to see her pretty little face. At home, it's constant activity...and she favors my right side most of the time. Friends and family who have observed my tummy closely can see a bigger lump on the right side almost all the time. She kicks way out to the sides, too...occasionally downward, but mostly so far out to the sides, that she's kicking right above my hip bones! And, no, since everyone keeps asking, we don't have a name for her yet...workin' on it!

David and I attended our 1st childbirth class this Monday and we loved it. The teacher is great, it's comforting to hear other women going through the same aches, pains and discomforts, and it's just SOO educational! We have 3 more weeks of classes and then we'll be pros, right? :) Yea, not until the little one makes her appearance and we all get through delivery, we know.

I'll try to shoot out another update and one that's even shorter soon. Thanks for reading and being a part of our journey!