Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Measurement

Tonight we took our first set of "tummy circumference" measurements. :] I am officially over 16 weeks and feel like I'm beginning to show...although the 2nd picture (a sneaky snapshot that D took) doesn't really look all that "large." I lost about 10 pounds since becoming pregnant, hence the note on the pic below that I gained 8 pounds of it back.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today has been a mix of emotions. For starters, we had our second appt with the new doctor earlier this morning. We are still a bit unsettled about our feelings for our doctor, though we feel overall she knows what she's's more a personality preference. We were pleasantly surprised that she took a few quick moments to check the size of the cyst - and it has gone down in size slightly! We learned that if it had grown in size instead, there is a risk of it twisting and eventually cutting off blood circulation and there are consequences to that situation that I'm still not sure I understand! Anyway, we got a 5 second glimpse of our little baby again, this time looking like it was waving at us as if to say, "Hello!!" (We know - we have quite an imagination about this baby who is not aware, but what new parents don't?) The doc did give us one little picture, where the baby totally looks like an alien: it's mostly just the head with hollow eyes and a skinny spine going up to its head. Kinda funny to us!

Later in the day, we received our first fun little baby items (besides the little robe that Lori picked up for us from a local "free" store - shown in the left of the pic below - thanks Lori!). David's parents found some cute little burping clothes, and receiving blanket and some onesies - all unisex of course! Hard for us to believe that our baby will likely be smaller than those first outfits!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Father's Day-ish

June 21

Happy Father's Day, Daddy-to-be!! Some people have said that these Mother's/Father's days are the best because there are no kid responsibilities...yet, somehow I think our first ones next year will far surpass our quiet and rather boring ones together this year. :) I got David a cookie cake (one of his 'fav' things), to say a little thanks for all the crummy-feeling-days he's been helping me with and to share in our anticipation of changes coming up. As a little fun bonus, some"one" had to check things out prior to Daddy seeing it and was a little ticked off that I was not allowing him to lick the'll see.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Purchases!

June 10-12

We bought our first baby-related items! Becky spent some time online, looking through new crib purchases (and other items for the room) as well as some used purchases on places like Craigslist. We had some great finds!! First, on Wednesday, we bought a used-but-in-good-shape crib in a neutral color wood. Only $100 and it's a "convertible" crib, which we've since learned it means that it can go down to a daybed and eventually use part of the crib as a headboard for a full bed later! I LOVE practicality!! Next, on Friday, my great friend Lori made the long, long trek out about 40 minutes west of our house with me to check on a changing table and a glider with an ottoman. AND, they both match the crib, too! All items need a bit of TLC cleaning, but we feel blessed that we now have some 'absolute necessities' for under $200! We think we got some GREAT deals!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Overwhelmed by Meds

Sat, May 30th

I had an overwhelming feeling this weekend by all the pills I was taking now that I'm pregnant and have post-hospital meds. I thought I'd take a picture of meds/pills/vitamins "before" and "during;" thought it would be a funny set of pics to share! The first picture shows what I have to take daily for my thyroid. I think the second picture speaks for itself and the overwhelming feelings I have from changing some things so drastically in a few short weeks....

Memorial Day..."Memorable Day"

May 24th/25th

Our Memorial Day this year should have been called "Memorable Day".... We were looking forward to a long, relaxing weekend together...still grateful to be out of the restaurant business and enjoy a holiday weekend with friends. On Sunday afternoon, Becky started feeling pretty consistent lower abdominal/pelvic pain. It went on into the evening and we tried to head to bed. I (Becky) was up ALL night, couldn't find a comfortable spot, couldn't eat or drink anything, and finally tried "relaxing" or sleeping in our old recliners. The pain increased into the early morning hours to the point where it hurt to breathe in or out. I finally thought "maybe going for a little walk would help decrease the pain...maybe it has gotten worse since I've been curled up in a ball." So, I went out in the neighborhood around 4:30am, barely made it around the block to the top of our street and had to sit down on the curb because I felt lightheaded. Things didn't get much better as I sat, so I got up and tried to get home quickly. I made it to the bathroom where I noticed that my face had lost all color and my arms and hands were starting to tingle; I began to feel pretty weak and sick. I woke David up and said, "OK, I think we need to go to the hospital now." Within a few minutes, we were in the car with a trash can (hey, just in case), a cold washcloth, and me groaning the whole 4-or-so miles.

Upon arriving, I leaned over the counter and just said, "I'm pregnant and I've been having severe abdominal pains." They immediately sat me down to check my blood pressure and then the shaking began - I couldn't stand up straight and my body was beginning to shake uncontrollably. I asked the nurse if I could please have some water or ice chips. His response? A straight-faced "no." I thought for sure I was going to pass out - a pregnant women who had not eaten or drunk anything in nearly 12 hours and you are denying her?!? They escorted us into a nearby room and I could not get remotely comfortable. David was pretty worried because I literally could not stop shaking. Of course, scary thoughts about the baby were going through our heads most of our time there. Eventually, I tried laying mostly on my stomach with one of my legs bent so my hip was in the air (and not all my weight on the baby) and MUCH to my delight, the pain began subsiding...until the doctor came in and poked around a bit. After a few hours, we were sent off to have an ultrasound done to check for the baby's health, possible kidney stones for me, and a condition I had neither heard of or had read of (as it relates to pregnancy) - an ovarian cyst. Apparently (now that I have found info in the preg books), ovarian cysts are very common in pregnancy and are supposed to be reabsorbed by the body. When they don't reabsorb, they can produce a lot of pain and can even rupture, though we learned the next day that mine was small enough they were not concerned about rupturing at this point.

In the midst of all this pain and long hours, we were SO touched to see the latest ultrasound. In just 3-or-so weeks time, our little peanut had grown so much!! Yes, us mommy-to-bes read it all in the books: the fetus' development, "your walnut-sized baby is now the size of a lemon," etc. BUT..., David and I went from the "what if something has happened to our baby?" to immediately seeing a heartbeat (!!) and then seeing FINGER BONES, TOE BONES, THE SPINE, and THE RIBS!! WOW!! I instantly forgot and cared so little about the awful night that I just went through (the little shot of morphine probably helped, too :] ). Our little baby was - as I say - havin' it's own little dance party in there, too. It was moving all around. We initially thought it was sucking it's thumb, but other views showed that it had it's arms up by it's ears and was moving it's feet all over the place. SOO good to see the little one moving funny to see just how active it is, again!

We were sent on our way about 6-7 hours after arriving, with some pain and other meds. And we were blessed to get into the new doctor I hadn't yet seen the next day, since I decided to stay back from a work trip to Florida on Tuesday. She did yet another ultrasound and yes, our child was moving all around on THAT one, too! Of course we would have such an active child! :] The doctor also said that much of all my sickness I've experienced could be the baby's activity. Since we're 3-for-3 on the baby movement during ultrasounds, it all makes a lot of sense....

A Little Peanut!

May 7th

This day was rather eventful for us. We headed to my OB/GYN of 8 years for the first prenatal exam and to verify pregnancy. Much to our dismay, we discovered by the end of the appointment that we definitely could not use this doctor through our current health insurance. Super bummer that I have to find someone totally new for such an important time! The amazing thing that happened that completely blessed us was a surprise ultrasound! We were told that our doctor bills for that separately (and we were planning to have it done somewhere else), until we were in the room with her when we learned that she always does an ultrasound on the first baby visit to check for a heartbeat! Yea!! So, we weren't expecting it, but we got to see our little peanut-shape child! And, we got to see the little racing heart! Truly amazing - clearly a little tiny piece of life there!! There we were, at maybe 7 or 8 weeks of pregnancy, only knowing we were pregnant for 2 1/2 of those, and not expecting to see our little one! One of the biggest blessings for me was when the doctor showed us the different between her moving the wand-thingy and the baby moving around. What a funny joy to see that! :) And, we fully expected them to determine that the baby wasn't quite as old at 7-8 weeks, but the baby's size showed up closer to the 8 week mark...which is just crazy to internalize that already we were 2 months along!

We celebrated afterwards by stopping at one of our fav places: Bread Co.

Later that night, Becky attended the first of a 6+ month series of free classes offered at the Pregnancy Resource Center. We are awarded points for attendance, doing "homework," going to church (and taking notes :] ), and even bringing the father along! Once we accumulate 6 consecutive weeks, we get our points, and get to go "shopping" at their shop for diapers, bottles, blankets, even cribs, pack-n-plays, and almost anything you can imagine for a new mommy or baby! Fun, helpful, and hopefully an opportunity to meet some other women going through the same stage in life!

A Reason for a Blog...

Well, there are certain things that will get us to reconsider what we've always done, aren't there? We have a hard enough time keeping all of our family and friends updated on life here...I thought this might be a great way for you to check in with us every "now and then," and perhaps when we have BIG now!

For those who may not know - and for those who do know and want to "relive" the moment again with us - WE ARE PREGNANT!! We found out on the evening of April 18th, after Becky came home from a LONG and difficult trip to Indy for a seemingly long conference. She was increasingly sick over the week leading up to the conference and then progressed quickly while away from her hubby. :( By the end of the time spent away from home, random spells of sickness followed by being completely fine, awful food aversions, and sleepless nights, Becky called David prior to coming home and said, "If I'm not pregnant, that you can check me in somewhere because this unlike anything I've ever felt before!" Soon after arriving home, we took the test...and UNlike the other tests in the past, this one appeared as "pregnant" pretty much immediately. We stood in the bathroom, looking at each other in shock (and then eventually took a picture). Seriously? US?? Pregnant? What will we do? Little did we know then, we do what all newly-pregnant couples do: go get double-checked, learn whatever we can whenever we can, and refocus our prayers - a whole lot! It's so suddenly not about us anymore!